Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

Call David: 0401 766 877

Angry Men Mellowing

15th April 2014. Reading Time: 1 minute Media. 880 page views.

Pakenham men are coming to grips with anger and saving their families.

The Heavy METAL (Men's Education Towards Anger and Life) group is about to begin its third year of helping men change their behaviour and stop hurting their loved ones.

The group has already saved one Pakenham family.

John, (not his real name) said his uncontrolled anger was putting his family and job at risk.

The 44-year-old father of three said he would fly into a rage, often punching walls and smashing things if he didn't get his way.

Now he is learning about self-control.

"I thought I was just an average guy," he said.

"I didn't realise how much my outbursts were affecting my family.

"I must have seemed like a big bear. I had everyone walking on eggshells around me."

John has been attending Heavy METAL group sessions for more than a year.

He said he was learning to deal with his anger by sharing his experiences with men in similar positions.

John's wife said she had noticed a genuine change in his behaviour.

"I can broach all sorts of subjects with him now," she said.

"He listens more and gets along with the kids a lot better.

"He's just more of a friend to us now."

Group founder David Nugent said more than 30 men from Pakenham met regularly to find ways of changing their behaviour.

He said John's experience was typical of men attending the group.

"It's a big move to talk openly about your anger," he said.

"I've been there myself, and these men are turning their lives around."

Mr Nugent also lectures at local high schools on the dangers of bullying.

For a confidential Heavy METAL assessment interview, contact Mr Nugent on 0401 766 877.

By Tim Ennis - The Leader Newspaper