Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group
Call David: 0401 766 877
For the last class of 2016 the participants in phase one and phase two had the privileged to attend a special pre Christmas class prepared and presented by Brett Dunn.
Brett a team member of the HM program has been presenting this workshop for the last 5 years.
Christmas is meant to be a harmonious time of the year full of love and joy. Unfortunately, Christmas can also be a time of increased stress, pressure, debt and a time of conflict.
For men in behaviour change they will face a lot of challenges that will test their learning and the strength of their behaviour change.
In this class, Brett explored the challenges associated with Christmas and the participants developed their own personal plan to make Christmas SAFE and full of love for their families.
The class was a very powerful and empowering session enjoyed by all.
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