Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

Call David: 0401 766 877

Getting in tune with you Weekend Retreat

20th October 2019. Reading Time: 1 minute 1517 page views.

A weekend designed to inspire and challenge. Gain powerful insights and skills to learn to be better you. Through experiencing a variety of engaging workshops indoor, outdoor, hands on and reflective, learn and discover the power of being you.

A weekend designed to inspire and challenge. Gain powerful insights and skills to learn to be better you. Through experiencing a variety of engaging workshops indoor, outdoor, hands on and reflective, learn and discover the power of being you.

Weekend retreat details

Saturday 16th November: 8.30am Registration - 9am -4:30pm
Sunday 17th November: 9am -3 pm
The Old Dalyston Church
72 Dalyston-Glen Forbes Rd , Dalyston VIC 3992

RSVP by paying $185 (plus GST) deposit or the Early Bird Special of $385 (plus GST) by Friday 25th October 2019.

Balance of $265 (plus GST) or Full Payment of $450 (plus GST) required by Friday 01st November 2019

Please pay your deposit or full payment to

Please pay your deposit or full payment to:

Bank: NAB

Name: Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group Pty Ltd BSB 083 547

Acct: 411 837 577

Please use your name as reference and email David Nugent directly at
hvymetal@bigpond.net.au your payment receipt details

Limit 20 Participants

*Cancellation policy applies. No refund of deposit if cancellation within 15 days. 14- 5 days 50% of total cost applies. 5-0 days, full cost of retreat forfeited.

**Accommodation options available at ……………………... Please reference you will be attending the Weekend Retreat to get these discounted prices.

For more information, check out our video: https://vimeo.com/362974557/7461d06f3d

To make a booking or to get more information: contact us

Please LIKE our Facebook page for regular updates www.facebook.com/heavymetalgroup