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223 blog articles found.
When people think of domestic violence, they often attribute the behaviour to physical acts of violence. It is important to understand that abuse is not just exclusive or limited to physical behaviour. Emotional abuse is a typical and common component of family violence that is often dismissed because it is not a physical act, yet is just as damaging to the victim.
There are a lot of myths surrounding family violences, with many 'excuses' wrongly labelled as a cause. Let's look at some of the common myths surrounding family violence.
On The Drum which aired on Tuesday April 2nd, The panel discusses expectations of men, men's mental health, and physical violence.
Self harm can be a range of things from psychological to physical abuse. While it is something we mostly associate with physical acts such as a person cutting, there is a very new worrying trend becoming more common with adolescent teens - in particular males. Digital Self Harm.
Dave joined the Parkdale Primary School Dads for a screening of Call Me Dad
For a lot of people, pornography is a form of entertainment. It is sometimes encouraged as a healthy stimulant to a relationship and to enhance intimacy within a couple. What is not often talked about however, is the effect that pornography can have on relationships and a person’s mental health.
Let’s all get together and help support this young man who is working towards helping others in need. Follow the link in the article and hear his request. Help Javen get to Cambodia
We highly recommend Cardinia Safe-T-Net as a great resource to assist Children and families by offering advice and information of who they can talk to when they are feeling unsafe.
'Traditional masculinity' and mental health: Experts call for gendered approach to treatment by ABC NEWS
Domestic violence and a simple tool called the 'No Test' could identify an abusive partner - Article by ABC NEWS
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