Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

Call David: 0401 766 877

A listing of blog posts.

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213 blog articles found.

How can you prevent violence against women?

8th September 2017 Reading Time: 1 minutes 1080 views.

Know your A-Z from Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria and Our Watch shows how easy it is for all of us to prevent violence against women just by doing simple, everyday things to challenge gender stereotypes and promote respect.  

Anger Management Vs Behavioural Change

1st September 2017 Reading Time: 2 minutes 963 views.

A word from David about the difference between “Men’s Behaviour Change” and “Anger Management”

Featured in Pakeham News: Hairdressers take on family violence

25th August 2017 Reading Time: 1 minutes 827 views.

According to the lead family violence service in Melbourne’s eastern region, the relationship that hairdressers have with the women they serve can be a valuable tool in identifying, addressing and preventing family violence.

Free Information Evening for women only

7th July 2017 Reading Time: 1 minute 1018 views.

Meet the Heavy METAL Team and get some insight about who we are and the programs we run for both men & women

Spice Up Your Relationship With This 30-Day Challenge - by Hilary White

7th July 2017 Reading Time: 2 minutes 878 views.

This 30-day challenge is designed to help increase the sweet and sexy elements in your relationship by doing at least one specific romantic thing, together or for each other, every day for the duration of a month.


30th June 2017 Reading Time: 1 minutes 872 views.

Join the Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group on a meat tasting night to help raise funds for the Women's Group

Do Men’s Behaviour Change Programs work in the long term?

23rd June 2017 Reading Time: 1 minutes 2959 views.

A long waited Longitudinal Study into the Effectiveness of Men’s Behaviour Change Programs has been finally published with some answers

Men's Health Week

8th June 2017 Reading Time: 1 minutes 846 views.

Connect with your community, join the Men's Breakfast at Redwood Centre

Featured in The Guardian: When I first wrote about domestic violence, no one talked about it. Now the shame has lifted

2nd June 2017 Reading Time: 3 minutes 902 views.

"‘There was a strange kind of silence over that word, a looking elsewhere." Kathryn Heyman

Why working with men could help efforts to combat violence against women

26th May 2017 Reading Time: 4 minutes 877 views.

Study suggests that focusing on masculinities – the societal norms men are expected to achieve in order to “prove” their manhood – can help in reducing men’s use of violence in the future.