Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

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219 blog articles found.

Interpersonal Violence, often referred to as Intimate Partner Violence.

17th September 2022 Reading Time: 3 minutes 677 views.

Family or partner violence refers to violence within the family or between intimate partners. It includes child maltreatment, dating and intimate partner violence and elder maltreatment. Family violence is called as such because even if the behaviour is only directed towards the Mother, the children are still very much effected. Sometimes 'staying together for the children', is not necessarily the best thing.

Changing Men's Behaviour

12th September 2022 Reading Time: 1 minutes Anger Management. 724 views.

David Nugent has positive stories about men who he says have changed their tune. See the attached story published in local paper by Danielle Galvin.

Father's Day can be tough

3rd September 2022 Reading Time: 1 minute Masculinity. 611 views.

A day dedicated to celebrating fatherhood is extremely important, though also very difficult for many people. Father's Day can be a difficult and confronting time. Here are some tips on how to cope on Father’s Day, whether you’re a dad, step-parent, partner or family member.

DCA's Anna McPhee Memorial Oration

24th May 2022 Reading Time: 1 minutes General. 936 views.

This year’s Oration will be delivered by Jess Hill, Walkley-award winning investigative journalist, author and winner of the 2020 Stella Prize for her book ‘See What You Made Me Do’ that was adapted into an SBS TV series. Family and domestic abuse and violence is a national emergency.

How do you communicate?

21st May 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes Communication, Conflict Resolution. 967 views.

Communication is the most important thing in any relationship in our lives, but when it comes to our closest relationships it really is everything.

What does it mean to be a "Real Man"?

8th May 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes Behavioural Change, Anger Management, Masculinity. 1747 views.

“Act like a man.” Man up.” Stop acting like a girl.” “Suck it up, crying’s for girls.” Society has a very narrow expectation of what it is to be a man. It often starts with our little boys- they hear messages like this and very quickly understand that any traits or behaviours that are outside of traditional masculinity are something to be deeply ashamed of.

Signs of a Coercive Relationships and Impacts

20th April 2022 Reading Time: 9 minutes Domestic Violence. 2259 views.

Coercive Control is extremely damaging to a victim's wellbeing, particularly when it is perpetrated over a long time.

What are you entitled to?

3rd April 2022 Reading Time: 4 minutes Anger Management, Behavioural Change. 1164 views.

Male Entitlement and Abuse A man’s entitlement plays a significant role in domestic abuse. Perpetrators consider their abusive behaviour to be not only acceptable, but they also believe that it’s justified and that it’s their right and privilege to behave in this way.

Your Children are Watching

21st March 2022 Reading Time: 3 minutes Parenting. 899 views.

Research shows that family violence has long term, detrimental impacts on children. A child does not have to be a direct target of the abuse. Witnessing others being abused has the same impact on a child’s wellbeing and development.

Words Can Wound

16th March 2022 Reading Time: 2 minutes 796 views.

As a trainee facilitator with David Nugent, I’ve had cause to reflect on the many different types of family violence and how these types of behaviours present themselves.