Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group
Call David: 0401 766 877
Most of us look forward to the Xmas break after a busy year. With an ever-growing list of tasks to accomplish each day, it’s easy to let time with your partner and children slip down your priorities. In the Heavy M.E.T.A.L Program we spend the last session of the year with our participants brainstorming ideas on how we can make this the best Xmas for our family. One thing us men often forget is that our loved ones are also looking forward to the holiday period so that they can spend time with us. This can be a stressful time as we are home usually more than we are normally as we are not working. We do not consider our family’s has expectations and plans of what they would like to do with us because they want to make the best of being with us while we are home. Often this can conflict with the ideas we may have been planning or expecting to do.
It is also a time of year when things can become tense as Xmas day, New Year and summer holiday plans for separated families are negotiated and implemented. Christmas should be a happy time, a time when families get together to swap presents and stories, share meals and homes and enjoy each other’s company. But for some families with separated parents Christmas can be a time of sadness, disappointment and disagreement and often children are caught in the middle.
This is often because some parents put such a big focus on having to have the children on Christmas Day. The focus then becomes a power struggle between the separated parents who is going to have the children on the 25th December and often when this happens conflict arises which then has a negative impact on the children. Parents caught up in this power struggle underestimate this impact has on their children. (Family violence still effects the Children even if they are not directly abused)
Make Christmas time a happy childhood memory. One of the most important issues for children’s mental health is not to be exposed to disputes between their parents. Exposing a child to family violence is a form of abuse, regardless of whether the child is a target of such violence or not.
Christmas is meant to be a magical time for children. At Heavy METAL we encourage participants to let go of the Power and Control and put their differences with their ex-partner on the shelf during this period and give their children an amazing Xmas no matter what day it is. What does it matter whether it’s the 25th Dec or the 26th or 27th it is only a day. Whichever day you can spend with your kids you make that day your own special Xmas day. You make it a magical day which the kids will not forget. In fact; it should not be for a day, it should be for every time you spend time together not just at Xmas.
A communication book may be a helpful tool if you cannot communicate effectively. You could also communicate via text and email – whatever method is chosen; the aim is to shield your kids from the conflict between yourself and the other parent to prevent what sometimes can be irreversible harm caused to your child’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. Another tip here is not to get caught up in the text warfare, keep the communication “business like” about the children. Do not make personal attacks, do not bring up other issues. Be polite and keep the conversation child focused.
Have you planned holiday activities and outings, and taken time off work?
Why is there so much stress on being with loved ones? Besides lengthening lives, spending time with family has other benefits.
Children who spend quality time with their loved ones generally have self-confidence. They are more sociable because they sense that their parents value them. Also, kids with self-esteem find it easy to build relationships.
Spending time with family strengthens family ties. Also, families who enjoy group activities will develop strong relationships and handle stressful situations with ease. In this busy day and age, it is a luxury for parents to spend time with their children. Making time for the family will allow you to teach your kids valuable life lessons like kindness and fairness.
Consequently, kids will start to develop positive behaviours because loved ones influence them. Research has shown that children who ate regular meals with their families performed better in school. Furthermore, adolescents who spent more time with their parents tended not to abuse alcohol. This is a great opportunity for you to role model positive behaviour with being responsible with alcohol yourself. Maybe ask yourself: Do I need another drink? Do I need a drink now? Maybe have that drink later in the day rather than early. Do not use; “ I am on holidays I deserve it” particularly if there have been passed issues around your anger when you do drink. Lead by example. (Showing our boys how to become good men)
Another reason for having family time is to make memories. Children share more about their lives in these situations that if you ask them ‘What happened in school today?
Also, your lifestyle will become healthier than before. Family members will remind you to have nutritious meals. As mention above, maybe consider postponing that next drink.
Remember the aunts and uncles who may annoy you? Or the in-laws you try and avoid. Spending time with them may help you more than you realize. As well; support and encourage your spouse to see his/her family; despite your frustrations and dislikes. Put the negative judgements and the past on the shelf; this is about making it a magical Christmas not just for the kids but for the whole family.
Spending time with family is important because it may benefit each member in more ways than you realize. If you have suggestions, do leave them in the comments on the Facebook page.
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