Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

Call David: 0401 766 877

Men's Mental Health is an ongoing concern in Australia.

29th January 2023. Reading Time: 1 minute Masculinity, General. 1104 page views.

Walk for Awareness is a fantastic event involving bringing people together in a friendly and safe environment where mental health issues can be discussed openly with friends, family, and supportive strangers. The organisation encourages the matters surrounding suicide should be discussed, not hidden.

Men's mental health is a topic that has been discussed for many years, but still, many people do not know much about it. Men face different problems in their lives and don't get the attention they need. The statistics show that men are more likely to die by suicide than women. 8.6 Australians die every day by suicide. That's more than double the road toll (ABS, 2022). 75% of those who take their own lives are male (ABS, 2022). Many factors lead a man to commit suicide, such as depression, anxiety, relationship issues etc. But the most common factor among men who commit suicide is mental illness or psychological distress (Mental Health Commission). Men have less access to services than women because of their reluctance to seek help for various reasons, like the stigma attached to it or just not knowing how to approach someone with mental illness.

Walk for Awareness is a fantastic event involving bringing people together in a friendly and safe environment where mental health issues can be discussed openly with friends, family, and supportive strangers. The organisation encourages the matters surrounding suicide should be discussed, not hidden.

The Walk for Awareness is a unique event for blokes to come together in memory of Nick Dunn. 

If you would like further information or would like to take part in a walk like no other and connect with blokes over a great dayfollow the link here:  
