Heavy M.E.T.A.L Group

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Up in the air with HEAVY M.E.T.A.L

24th March 2013. Reading Time: 1 minute Programs for Schools. 929 page views.

Students from Fountain Gate Secondary College had the thrill of a lifetime at the beginning of 2010 when they attended a special get-together at Moorabbin Airport. The students, their parents, and friends, gathered in the early morning to hear all about the opportunities that are open to people who have their pilot’s licence, including work with the government, airlines, and the leisure industry.

Students were introduced to their pilot buddies who are part of the Royal Victorian Young Eagles Program and went off to inspect the small planes they would later be flying in. The pilots, who volunteer their time, then took each of the students out in a variety of planes on flights over the Greater Melbourne area.

The students are part of the Heavy M.E.T.A.L. program offered at both Endeavour Hills and Fountain Gate Secondary Colleges by psychotherapist David Nugent. Mr Nugent is the founder of the Heavy M.E.T.A.L. Group, which aims to encourage them to increase their goals, skills and motivation inside and outside of school. Students discuss how best to identify and manage feelings, to practice assertiveness skills, and to manage conflict more effectively.

The mission of the Royal Victorian Aero Club Young Eagles Program is to provide motivational aviation experience, including a demonstration flight. These flights are provided free of charge and it is the hope of the pilots that students share in the exhilaration and freedom of flight in the same way they do. Mr Nugent commented, “The pilots also hope that the experience will spark a young person’s curiosity to learn more about aviation, and hopefully see that the true potential of life lies beyond everyday surroundings and may be reached through the pursuit of high personal goals.”

Students enjoyed the day thoroughly. Year 10 student Mark Johnson described the day as a really great experience, “I think other people should do it too!”

The Heavy M.E.T.A.L. (Men’s Education Towards Anger and Life) program is open to boys and girls, men, and women and can be contacted through the website: www.heavymetalgroup.com.au. The motto of the group is “getting in tune with… yourself, your partner, your kids, and your life”.